Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Tonight we are down at Vic Park kicking off shortly after 6pm and dont worry the WOD is going to be reasonably easy on the hands for the blood blister crew.
One of the many good things about CrossFit is that is encourages accountability, to others and more importantly to yourself. At the end of the day saying you did 50 reps when you only actually got to 45 just so you managed to finish the workout 20secs faster than you otherwise might have doesnt effect anyone else but it will effect the sort of athlete you are. There is a certain sense of satisifaction and accomplishment that can only be gained by doing something properly,even it is only 1 rep or didnt quite get full ROM, if you know you missed it then that result is always going to seem a bit hollow.
It is up to others to make us accountable, letting someone know that a rep didnt count due to whatever reason is going to piss them off (having a no called during the last set of muscle ups in nasty girls is enough to make you get more than a little crazy) but ultimately it will make them a better athlete and you owe it to those that you train with to do everything you can to help them as they would for you.
At the end of the day being accountable to yourself, acknowledging when you've totally nailed it but also the times when it wasnt good enough will in the long run make you a superior athlete


5 rounds for time :-
30 double unders
20 b/s snatches (sub 2 OH squats)
15 MB sprawl n clean

post time to comments

1 comment:

Ben Norman said...

rob - 17:30
christian - 17:31
jason - 17:44
lloyd - 20:00
kaori - 21:19
kev - 22:12
teresa - 22:31
steve - 23:05

rob n christian coming from behind with a flying last round, tough workout.