Monday, December 22, 2008

Snakebite Annie


Tonights workout will be in the South Terrace parklands, meet at the usual place at 6:15. Going to be a couple of new faces out tonight so if you've been coming out to training for a while make sure to go up and say to anyone you havent met before. Also if this is the last workout your doing before Xmas make sure you smash tonight that little bit harder.

Finally a number of people have mentioned to me that they have friends/co-workers etc interested in giving CrossFit a go. If you do know of anyway that might be interested in the new year I am going to run a block of sessions just for new comers to learn the basic movements, these sessions will be an ideal introduction for people that have minimal training experience and little to no first hand knowledge of Crossfit. Either let me know at training or drop me an email to register interest.


Complete the following for time

Double Unders

post time to comments

1 comment:

Ben Norman said...

ant - 16:08
kaori - 18:22 (thruster-pushup sub)
mat - 20:22
chris - 21:42
teresa - 23:15
mat 'double under demon' shaw - 25:42

Everyones skipping was pretty solid, just need to work up to really stringing the double unders together.