Thursday, April 30, 2009



Sorry a bit of a delayed Wednesday night post, few dramas yesterday afternoon. Tonight was one of the hero workouts which are notoriously brutal. Nate is normally done with 32kg KB for guys and 24kg for women, that was scaled due to the 32kg KB's not arriving till later in the week. The muscle ups were scaled with the rings set lower for transitional muscle ups. I also reversed the reps for the HSPU and the muscle ups due to the transitional muscle ups.



20mins AMRAP

2 muscle ups
6 KB Swings

post # rounds to comments


Kevin said...

12 rounds + 6 swings + 4 Muscle-ups.
(working in reverse order)

Yes, there were some counting issues last night, but I'm going to stick to my original count. Keeping count during an AMRAP workout seems to give me (and a lot of other people, I'm sure) some trouble but I guess it's just another skill to work on - "Mental acuity under physical stress".

titus said...

15 rounds later im ready for some wine and relaxing for the evening

did bar muscle-ups

finished up with some ab work

i marked each round on a card upon finishing so i would not have to worry about keeping count. I knew i would mess it up if i tried to keep mental notes through the whole thing

Anonymous said...

HSPU are pu

Ben Norman said...

I reckon your pretty close on the money with your count kevin, there was definately some loose tally keeping. Im going to bring in the other small white board for round keeping purposes!

Here are rough round counts

Ant - 13
Josh - 14 (legit - used board)
Teresa - 14 (" ")
Christian - 15
Steve - 14-18
Mat - 14-18
Kev - 12
Kate - 17
Emma - 17

HSPU of the night definately go to Josh, awesome ROM.